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Join our next free web-development training program!
September 5, 2024
Join our next free web-development training program!

Don’t miss this great opportunity for anyone interested in learning new tech skills in the upcoming FREE training program! The program focuses on Full Stack Web Development, complemented by bonus training in professional skills from Philosophic Systems Institute , entrepreneurship from Pioneers 21 Business Incubator and Co-Work Space, and hands-on Digital Discovery workshops led by Fab Lab El Paso. The program lasts eight weeks, four hours daily and is open to all, regardless of experience.

Registration closes on September 16th, and class starts on Oct 21st, so there’s still time to sign up but don’t wait! If interested, visit this LINK.

The EL Paso Innovation Hub is a project of the El Paso Community Foundation. This program is made possible by Workforce Solutions Borderplex.